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A Bavarian Insight into Two Weeks at KSE

Posted : 04/12/2017

“My favourite activity was London because I had never been there before. I loved the architecture in London and the shopping. For me, the trip to England was the highlight of the year.”

“The food was very delicious. The chicken burger here in Broadstairs is the best one I have ever eaten. I also made new friends in Broadstairs. I saw them for the first time during the barn dance. We spent the whole week together and it was very sad when they left Broadstairs after the first week.”

“In the 11 days we were here, I think that I learned about England and English. On the first day, we had a quiz and barn dancing, which I think we all enjoyed, but my favourite was Canterbury where we bought fudge.”

“The activities have really been fun, and I made really many friends from other schools (countries). Our host family was perfect. They were really friendly, and they had especially good food. If it was not for Britain, I wouldn’t know how good my English is. Thank you very much for the chance the school gave me.”

(Quotes have been slightly edited to adjust spelling and grammar inaccuracies).


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